In the hands of skilled industrial epoxy floor coating specialists, restoring industrial floors to their former beauty is not a big problem. But often, despite the skills, expertise and proven experience of coating specialists, industrial epoxy floor coating applications can still be challenging work. What are these challenges commonly encountered in the effort to bring back the beauty of industrial floors? Here are some of them:
1. Air bubble formation. Thickly-applied epoxy coats can result to round bubbles with sharp edges. They come from trapped air due to improper mixing speed or from cement out-gassing, or even from the tendency of foam rollers to create bubbles when used.
2. Different shades. Color differences in the coating are visible on industrial floors. This is a no-no because the coating application can look sloppily-applied and uneven. This can occur when small batches of industrial epoxy floor coating are mixed and applied. Mixing can also cause different shades of color. Exposure to the sun could also change the color of epoxy.
3. Fisheyes. Fisheyes appear like tiny craters in the coating. They are due to the presence of contaminants like grease or dust particles. Industrial epoxy floor coatings pull away around the contaminant, creating the fisheye effect.
4. Pinholes. Like air bubbles, pinholes come from trapped air. They form tiny voids in the surface that expand when the area is cured and dried.
The worst thing that can be encountered industrial epoxy floor coating applications is adhesion problem. Improper surface preparation is often the main culprit why industrial epoxy floor coating products fail to adhere to industrial floors, or encounter the above-listed problems.