The most effective exterior painting product to use should be one that accounts for the conditions of the metal surface, where is it located, what is its function and how is it exposed to these corrosive elements. A barrier coating that addresses these aspects ensures proper protection and assures the longevity of the coating system.
Anti-corrosive coating systems may also utilize primers and topcoat components to complete the anti-corrosion painting application, and these components should be carefully identified based on the requirements of the job.
Non-adherence to the product specifications
Anti-corrosion exterior painting product comes with a fact sheet or a material safety data sheet (MSDS) that indicates the specific application preparation, actual application, and post-application instructions for the particular product. Not following the instructions jeopardizes the application of anti-corrosive coatings, and can even lead to a coating failure.
Another possible risk of not following the correct application guidelines is that the exterior painting job, rather than provide effective anti-corrosive solution, may even introduce further vulnerabilities to the metal surface. The wrong application of these coatings can leave weaknesses to the system that may allow corrosive agents to enter the metal surface and work their way undetected inside.
Taking safety risks for granted
Components in anti-corrosive exterior painting products carry certain properties that may pose safety risks to workers handling the product. The MSDS is a valuable guide in how to handle and store paint products, primers and finishes the safest possible way. The MSDS lists out such properties like melting, boiling, and flash points. More importantly, any toxic properties, reactivity or health impacts are declared in the MSDS. Knowing these potential sources of risks help in first aid and emergency preparation.