Weather can dramatically impact your exterior painting job. Heat, sunlight, rain and wind all create conditions that require extra care during the application phase to produce a professional quality coating.
Excessive heat or sunlight can cause a fresh coat of paint to develop blisters known as temperature bubbles. These blisters can pop up relatively quickly following application of the exterior paint. Thick coats of paint are more prone to developing temperature bubbles. Dark paints are also more susceptible to the phenomenon. The remedy for heat blisters is simple. A scraper is used to smooth off the affected area. Once smoothed over the damage to the coat is repaired.
When a professional painting company does an exterior painting project in the summer heat, they constantly check for temperature bubbles in the coat and take care of the problem as they form, so the blisters have no chance of ruining the coat.
Another sun related exterior painting problem is chalking. This occurs when old stains, paints, or other coatings atomize and dry over time due to the sun’s UV radiation. Chalking is only the first part of the problem. The real damage only becomes visible when wind, water, ice, or snow absorbs or washes away the chalk, leaving a patchy or uneven mark on the surface.