Before you take on the task of painting or hiring a professional painter, know what to look for and know upfront what steps the painter is taking to protect the surrounding areas. It is the job of the Facility Manager to make certain things run smoothly, discuss these issues with the painting contractors before the job starts.
The first thing you will need to know is what spray applications will be used, a lot of course will depend on the structure, coating, size and/or shape of the project being painted. The proper spray application will make all the difference. Familiarize yourself with the different spray applications that are out there.
Today there are so many options to choose from: roller, flow coating; airless, conventional air-spray; high-volume/low-pressure sprayers; electrostatic spray; electrodepositing; and even plural component spray and dispensing systems.
These sprayers are only as good as the individual using them, and you will want to feel that the painter doing the work is competent, so don’t be afraid to ask questions. Ask about the expertise level of the individuals using the equipment. Facility Managers will find that hiring well-trained crews helps meet that goal, ensuring a quality spray application.
If you do not know which is the best paint application, then ask an expert, in fact, it is a good idea to get at least two or three opinions or quotes before you hire for the job. Before the work has begun know all your options.