Because an effective fire protection program is very important for the safe operations of the facility, facility managers implement a comprehensive fire protection plan involving the use of active and passive fire protective coatings systems. These systems are important to the facility’s compliance to Building Regulations, which requires facilities to have their fire protection and safety programs.
Active fire protection systems range from built-in appliances and features that automatically go to work when there is a fire outbreak in the facility. Examples of active systems are fire extinguishers, water sprinklers, fire and smoke detectors, fire alarms, among others.
These active systems are useful in the early detection of fire that triggers the immediate evacuation of building occupants. They also alert emergency service workers of the fire, allowing rescuers to rush to the site as early as possible. Fire suppressors and ventilators attempt to starve the fire of oxygen, to halt or slow down its growth.
Passive fire protective coatings systems act in a subtler way to control fire. Passive fire protective coatings form a second-line of defense to prevent fire’s rapid spread. Every surface or materials with these intumescent fire protective coatings react in a unique way when exposed to flames, to diffuse fire growth. Structural foundations are preserved from collapse with intumescent fire protective coatings.