To implement and sustain a green building plan for the facility, the people factor is one of the key points for success. This involves the creation of a deeply committed team to lead the design, implementation, monitoring and reporting of all activities involved in turning the building green. In the case of indoor air quality, the team can work with the painting company to implement less-harmful painting applications within the facility.
The team should be composed of the facility manager and people from the maintenance and service groups, and representatives from the tenants. The tenants are direct recipients of the environmental changes, such as in the case of the painting company who conduct coating maintenance work on the building, where issues on health and safety are directly felt by tenants.
A LEED-certified expert can also be invited to provide valuable input in the implementation of environment-friendly initiatives. When it comes to energy utilization, water conservation or waste disposal, even the choice of paint, the manner by which it was prepared and applied, and the way it was disposed of afterwards, can be detrimental to tenants, and painting companies could benefit from the guidelines outlined by the LEED system and EPA to become compliant.
External contractors, such as painting companies, that are periodically called upon to conduct repairs and maintenance work in the facility should also be engaged. The commitment of external contractors like painting companies is particularly important, because the e products and application methods they use can cause harmful emissions to be released in the environment. Only their serious commitment and proven capability to deliver green projects can ensure the success of the environment plan for the facility.