Once the most appropriate industrial floor coating has been selected through a careful selection process, it is time to enlist the aid of trained applicators to actually apply the floor coatings. The selection of personnel is no less important than the coatings selection process, albeit less rigorous.
In fact, the people factor at this stage of the project is very critical to assuring project success. This is because a good industrial floor coating specialist or contractor can work with a bad batch of coatings or knows how to deal with it, but a poorly-skilled or unqualified applicator can botch the job even using good quality paint. Unskilled personnel can even jeopardize the success of the project by failing to recover from unexpected mistakes or not being skilled enough to identify potential problems early on.
Here are the minimum requirements that an industrial floor coating contractor should fulfill to ensure project success:
1. At least 15 years of experience in general flooring methods and applications.
2. 5 or more years experience in the specific flooring application required by the project.
3. Certification to SSPC-QP 8 or the “Standard Procedure for Evaluating the Qualifications of Contracting Firms That Install Polymer Coatings or Surfacings on Concrete and Other Cementitious Surfaces” and other appropriate certifications.
4. Qualifications from manufacturers of industrial floor coating or other materials.
5. A good working knowledge of Quality Control and Quality Assurance (QC/QA) processes to be able to participate in the inspection, testing, installation and monitoring components of the project.