The tools, methods and techniques used to paint storage tanks are not very different from other surfaces needing painting application. Exterior or interior walls, floors, large equipments in residential, commercial or industrial facilities, all need only one thing to have a successful paint job — a good adhesive bond of the coatings to the surface to be painted. A combination of painting contractors’ skills, a supply of quality paint, proper surface preparation, and the correct application process all revolve around this single goal of making a good adhesive bond for the coatings system. The alternative is a costly coatings failure.
To achieve a good adhesive bond, particularly when the job is to paint storage tanks, it is often recommended to apply thin coats of paint repeatedly to the surface. This may be tedious and time-consuming, but it is more effective in assuring surface adhesion. To paint storage tanks in this manner is a slow process, when compared to other painting applications. This is because storage tanks have a much glossier or smoother surface than regular surfaces. The surface tension of the tank is different and should be factored into the application process.
To paint storage tanks, regular tools such as sprayers, rollers and brushes can be used. The method used to paint storage tanks affects the choice of paint to use, because paint properties change when mixed or applied differently. Painting contractors or manufacturers can advise the right type of paint for any particular application method.