When walls are looking drabber and drabber everyday, facility managers know its time to put some life back to those walls, with the help of the right wallcovering contractor. Commercial facilities such as shopping malls and hotels, corporate offices, and even production areas in industrial plants can use a good wallcovering design to make the room or location look good and conducive to business.
Since the right wallcovering contractor is the number one factor to the success of the project, it hinges on the facility manager to conduct a careful selection process before hiring the wallcovering contractor for the job. The selection process is made easier when facility managers use the guidelines below on what information to ask potential candidates during the interview:
1. The length of time that the wallcovering contractor’s company has been in operation. The number of years indicates staying power and longevity, which implies maturity, reliability and a job excellence. This translates to a depth of knowledge and industry experience, as well as a long list of satisfied clients.
2. The size and composition of the wallcovering contractor’s company. The important information to extract is the combination of both size and composition, and not size alone, or composition alone. The goal is to find out whether or not the wallcovering contractor has the capability to deliver projects – simple or complex – using the manpower size and their expertise to handle any job.
3. The contractor’s values and methodologies. This draws out the processes, techniques, material sources, industry partners, and values of the wallcovering contractor, which translates to the likelihood of delivering quality solutions.