Continued: Tips to Get the Best Industrial Painting Contractor in the Market
Other factors that are valuable in the selection of an industrial painting contractor are proven experience and degree of professionalism. Below is the third set of useful guidelines that tackle these factors:
6. The best post-work warranty
The contractor must be able to assure you that a post-work warranty is available for the project and that the warranty is available for a reasonable amount of time after project completion. Long after the project, if ever there is a paint failure within the warranty period, the contractor must be able to provide the necessary labor and materials to alleviate any problems.
7. Choose the company with proven work history
Action speaks louder than words, never more so than in industrial painting jobs. Award the painting job to the contractor that can provide the best client references of their past work. Take the time to contact these clients and ask for feedback regarding the contractors’ work. Client testimonials are important.
8. Face-to-face presentation and assessment
First impressions are always vital to any selection process. Once a contractor is in front of you for a presentation, discreetly watch out for those telltale signs that can indicate if the contractor is a professional and courteous, or disorganized and haphazardly. Your impressions at this point may turn out to be the norm between you and the contractor should you decide to hire them, to your disadvantage or benefit.
A reliable post-work warranty, proven work history, and face-to-face assessment of the contractors are some of the valuable factors that need to be considered when choosing the painting contractor for the project.
The next blog will discuss two more practical tips in choosing an industrial contractor – clear communication line and the best quality paints.