This type of coating is the ideal solution for protecting a building’s exterior from the elements, while keeping it looking like new for years to come.
No matter what the surrounding climate, your facilities are subjected to tremendous amounts of strain through exposure to the elements. Water seepage can cause significant structural damage and decay, while extreme temperatures and wind fades and cracks your facade.
Elastomerics are among the most frequently used types of coatings for commercial and industrial applications. These rubberized coatings have strong water-resistant properties, which make them flexible enough to allow trapped moisture to escape the building’s structure without affecting the adhesion of the coating.
The unique properties of these highly flexible coatings make them a superior choice for waterproofing, with 100 percent elongation that allows them to bridge surface cracks and shift with structural movement to keep the cracks from reappearing. Some types of elastomeric coatings may even help to prevent small cracks and holes from worsening.